For the first week of term one, the second year Jewellery & Object design students took part in a “concept realization“ workshop lead by sculptor Ulvi Haagensen.
We were first told to come along with a quote, saying or poem that expressed the theme of foreignness. After a group discussion and brainstorming, each student began to work on their own piece, mentored by Ulvi.
Using paper, wire, ink, paint and tape, the individual artworks covered the walls, floor, interior space and ceiling of the crit space (the small gallery area outside the jewellery workshop). This was a great opportunity for us as students to interact with an expert in another medium, taking further the basic drawing and life drawing skills we learnt in first year.
It was a nice way to ease back into study and reconnect with staff and other students after a long break. As part of its program, the department regularly invites makers and artists to give talks to the students.
Thanks to Ulvi for her time and help.