simon and kumiko near book case in indigo classroom
The search for inspiration and technical detail becomes heightened as we hit 'proposal week', when we cram all fantastical ideas inside creative bindings so we can dive headlong into the excitement of the making process.
I admit there is some trepidation (mine) over how long we (meaning I) will spend in the welding room cajoling wobbly bobbly weld joins into perfect seams...under Ki's supervision i am sure it can be done! Already our wearable hydraulic press samples are starting to look shiny and gorgeous as people near the final stages.
Mid week some light relief and inspiration was delivered to us via a visit to the newly located Gaffa Gallery. The new Arcade project on the ground floor allows practicing artists and designers to dip their toe into gallery ownership with 3 month leases for one of 3 units to use as conceptual/promotional or retail space. The upper floors hold Artist in residence and a treasure trove of object works in various cross platform exhibitions. Application procedure is listed on the web includes a proposal, with this in mind it's less of a hardship to go home and work on that layout and tech drawings!

kaoru in front of Gaffa Gallery
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